Картина выполнена акварелью в жаркий день под лучами итальянского солнца! Она написана с любовью к Италии. Белоснежная занавеска на окне, синие ставни, цветы - милый фрагмент солнечной Италии. Эта картина привнесет в ваш дом свет и тепло! Её можно дополнительно оформить в раму и паспарту, которые больше подходят к вашему интерьеру!
This painting is executed in watercolors on a hot day under the rays of the Italian sun! It is written with the emotion of love for Italy. A snow-white curtain on the window, blue shutters, flowers - a cute fragment of sunny Italy. This painting will bring light and warmth to your home! it can be additionally arranged in a frame and mat, which are more suitable for your interior!
This painting is executed in watercolors on a hot day under the rays of the Italian sun! It is written with the emotion of love for Italy. A snow-white curtain on the window, blue shutters, flowers - a cute fragment of sunny Italy. This painting will bring light and warmth to your home! it can be additionally arranged in a frame and mat, which are more suitable for your interior!